One Mom's Words - I Felt So Broken & Embarrassed
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One mom's word about her struggles in new motherhood.
Mary Joan Brinson
May 18, 20212 min
Partner Not Listening - Why the heck won’t he listen to me
Having a baby with a partner you love is something very special. But it can also be very stressful. Sleep deprivation can make us cranky...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Apr 6, 20212 min
3 Keys to Getting Breaks as a New Mom
Being a mom of a new baby is hard work. You are tired and your whole world is consumed with the needs of this tiny human. For many moms,...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Mar 23, 20212 min
Do You feel Frustrated or Annoyed With Your Partner?
It is hard to feel warm, loving and patient with your partner when you are exhausted and probably haven’t had two seconds to yourself in...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Mar 10, 20211 min
Have You Felt Postpartum Anger or Rage?
When we think about postpartum depression, we think of typical depression symptoms such as feeling sad, weepy, having no energy and...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Mar 8, 20211 min
I Didn't Expect To Feel Like a Failure as a Mom
Many women feel ready to have a baby. They have read the books, watched the videos and if you are like me, you had lots of experience...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Mar 1, 20211 min
Is Postpartum Anxiety Impacting You?
Postpartum depression is the umbrella term to refer to any of the postpartum mood disorders experienced by moms and dads Did you know...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Feb 24, 20212 min
Are you having scary thoughts?
This is something that is not talking about enough, or at all. It is something that many woman experience but feel worried or afraid to...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Feb 8, 20211 min
Hey Moms - What "Fills Your Cup?"
Let’s be honest, the amount of time you get for yourself is likely way less than would be ideal. But I hope you are giving yourself...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Jan 28, 20211 min
Do You Feel Selfish When You Take Time For Yourself?
Lots of moms have a hard time with this. It is easy to confuse self-care with being selfish. Many moms say, “I feel so guilty when I take...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Jan 24, 20211 min
All Moms Need Breaks - Yes That Means You Too!
So many moms buy into the myths – it is my baby, so this is my job; I signed up for this so it is what is expected of me; if I wanted to...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Jan 20, 20212 min
New Baby & COVID Lockdown
If you live in Ontario like I do, we will be under another state of emergency as of today January 14.Through this whole pandemic my heart...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Jan 9, 20211 min
Make a Plan & Feel Relief
The early days of being home with a new baby can be hard. Sleep deprivation, being on call 24/7 and trying to figure out this tiny person...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Jan 7, 20211 min
The Secret Tip for Getting the Help you Deserve
Have you ever found yourself wishing people could read your mid and just know when you need help. It would be so much easier – right? But...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Dec 22, 20201 min
Overwhelmed - How To Get Relief
Many moms feel overwhelmed. It is normal. This is a big job and usually much harder than we anticipated. We have talked about “it takes...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Dec 22, 20201 min
Stop Getting In Your Own Way
Many of us have internal beliefs that can create obstacles to getting the help we need. We tell ourselves we should be able to do it by...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Dec 22, 20201 min
The First Step in Asking for Help
Some may find it easy to ask for help, while others may be really uncomfortable asking for help. If that is the case, you are not alone....
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Mary Joan Brinson
Dec 22, 20201 min
Accepting Help Makes Your Life Easier
It is easy to think people are too busy and probably won’t want to help. When we don’t ask for the help we really need we make things...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Nov 19, 20201 min
The Power of Asking For Help
We know it is hard work to take care of a baby. But many of us struggle with asking for help. If you are like me and you find it hard to...
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Mary Joan Brinson
Nov 16, 20201 min
This Will Get Better!
As a first time mom we can be surprised at how tired and overwhelmed we feel in the early days of caring for our baby. One day blurs into...
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