Many of us have internal beliefs that can create obstacles to getting the help we need.
We tell ourselves we should be able to do it by ourselves; we are worried people will think we are weak, a failure or a burden if we ask for help.
Think about this – if someone asked you for help – would you think they are weak, a burden or a failure – of course not.
Teachers can have a tough time with this one since they can easily manage a classroom filled with 25 children and they can’t understand why they have a hard time with 1 baby.
It is different, it is harder and it is being done while being severely sleep deprived.
When women overcome their internal objections/beliefs and ask for the help they need, they feel better, they cope better and their mood and emotions improve.
Don’t deprive yourself of this – you deserve help and you deserve to feel well so you can enjoy your baby and your life.